Friday, October 30, 2009

Awesome News Today

After a very thorough evaluation, Dr. Rezaei determined Erin was having "mini migraines". They don't fit standard migraine descriptions but the blurred vision, dizzy spells and intensity gave her enough information to label them. She says Erin would have shown symptoms during the neurological exam or the ophthalmology exam if it were something as serious as a brain tumor. Praise God! So, for now we will treat the symptoms with a prescription allergy medication and her new glasses for two weeks. She is to keep a dairy of her headaches and if they are still as frequent at that time, we will get the MRI to see if there is an issue with the blood vessels. We are relieved. I will add a photo of her in her new specks next week when we get them. They are quite cute on her. She just hopes we don't have to get the bi-focals Dr. Amstutz suggested for the ease of transferring from close up work to distance focusing. On that front, as severe as he says her issue is, she should outgrow it with the help of the glasses.

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