Friday, August 28, 2009

Ty's hemoglobin was 9.5 today. It is not alarmingly low, but I am sad to see it coming down again. He has gone two weeks without a transfusion so he has a new personal record...I still hold out hope he will stabilize on his own but prepare for a transfusion each time we get him checked. It is better to be over packed than under when facing long days at Kosair. He slept through today's blood test....funny, he screams through diaper changes but sleeps through blood tests! He is officially out of our bedroom now. I had to wake him every three hours for feedings until his weight stabilized so now that we are more comfortable with letting him sleep, I moved him into his nursery. He's done really well. Although he still wakes every three hours to feed. The sad thing is that on his white crib sheet I can see his little black hair. I thought it was looking a little thinner, now I see the proof. He smiled at a stranger in the grocery yesterday....I don't like how comfortable people are about approaching him in public since we have to keep him healthy for possible transfusions but was thrilled to see him smile at an older lady. He has been unsettled around strangers. Greg thinks it is because so many strangers stick him. I think he likes to keep Mommy, the food source close! Crying is a quick way to find himself back in my arms. I suppose the sling will be the only way he shops from now on since the car seat left him accessible to strangers who had no problem touching him.

Erin is adjusting to high school. She has had some overwhelming days and gone to bed exhausted several times. I am amazed by the amount of homework and unnecessary projects. She is attending her first football game tonight with friends and her boyfriend, Aaron who attends a different school. He called me last night to ask permission to be at the game with her.....he seems like a really good kid. We are finding the names to be a bit of a challenge in conversation but last names help! Kate says she found Aaron first. He was her favorite "boy teacher" at church. She honestly thought she could compel Erin to leave him alone because she likes him too. They are 10 years apart! I was in no way prepared for that!

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