Monday, August 10, 2009

Hemoglobin Count

Ty's number was down to 8.4 today so we are going to Kosair on Wednesday with the expectation that he will need another transfusion then. He's handled the last two so well we anticipate the same again. Last week, his numbers stayed so much stronger we pray this is the last one and that he levels off after this. So, Erin and I are on our way to find a walk in hair salon to get much over due haircuts today. We can't make plans for anything more than a day or two in advance and that doesn't work for our salon!

School starts for Erin on Thursday and I am not ready! Where did our summer go? I can't decide if I am ready to start school for the other girls that day. I would like to stay on schedule with Erin but can't imagine being ready this week!

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