Sunday, August 2, 2009

"Emergency" Blood transfusion?

Dr. Rezaei called today at 3pm to inform us Ty's hemoglobin as down to 7.4 so he needed to be admitted to Kosair immediately. We were in his room by 4pm and the finally started the transfusion at 10pm! Honestly, we are beyond frustrated by that hospital. The "rules" have changed since last week? This week, they tried to admit him for 24 hour observation, stating it was standard. We didn't have that last week. This week, we had a resident on her first day and an on-call doctor who is unfamiliar with Ty's case who made decisions over the phone rather than assessing Ty himself. We finally got home at 2am because they waived the lab work afterward that was required last week......

One nice thing that came out of today's ordeal was the IV team member who was able to get one started on the first try. He didn't have to have it in his head this time. We also had the same nurse we liked last week. She was great again. She went to bat for Ty when the resident was trying to rush the transfusion and administer it in two hours rather than the 3-4 hours he needs to have it safely given. Honestly, we sat there all day and in the end, she wants to rush it and get us out of there?

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