Saturday, July 25, 2009

Quick update on Ty

Dr. Rezaei called tonight to prepare us for a transfusion tomorrow at Kosair Children's Hospital. We took him there to have his blood "typed" so they could order the blood and have it on stand by for a possible transfusion. Seeing the antibody levels in his blood confirmed for her and the hematologist that his CBC tomorrow morning will most likely be very low. At this point, Dr. Rezaei believes we need to be working with the hematologist because Ty's case is so unusual that she doesn't have the specialized skills to handle his case alone. We are in good hands but are concerned about his health. We will know more tomorrow but she's prepared us that he may be getting a blood exchange rather than just the transfusion.

Seeing them draw 5 tubes of blood today was enough to break our hearts. This little baby has already been through so much. We know we need to keep perspective and know that there are far sicker babies out there but this is our baby and it hurts to see him go through this. We are also dealing with fear of all the unknowns. Hearing he will be okay in the end is a comfort but we'd love to know when the end will be here. "Trust in the Lord with all your hearts and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge him and he will direct your paths".

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