Thursday, July 16, 2009

Please pray for Baby Ty

This was one of the toughest days. I had to leave Ty in the hospital and come home without him. His bilirubin count climbed to 21 from 14 in 24 hours. This is highly unusual. They have put him on formula for the next 24 hours to see if the estrogen in the breast milk has been a contributing factor. The initial bilirubin spike was linked to a blood disorder in my blood that was attacking Ty's blood. At this point they've doubled the number of lights for his photo therapy and changed him temporarily to formula to see if they can get the numbers to come down. A new blood draw will be done this evening to check the progress before determining if he needs to be transferred to Kosair's Children's Hospital for extensive blood cultures and specialists who can help determine what else could possibly be going on. It is so hard to believe he is sick since he is so big, content, feeding well and overall has the sweetest disposition. We are praying that this is the last of our little bumps in the road for him. Everything about this pregnancy has been a "borderline" issue. We are so tired and ready to have our family at home and getting into a healthy routine.

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