Friday, July 24, 2009

Our Sweet Baby

Ty's appointment didn't go very well today. His hemoglobin has dropped from 10.1 on Wednesday to 9.4 today. He has slowly dropped 1 point every other day and has now been referred to a hematologist at Kosair Children's Hospital. We will go in tomorrow to have his blood "typed" so they can order blood for a possible transfusion. He has to have his bilirubin and CBC redone Sunday morning at Floyd Memorial to see if it has dropped any further. If he reaches a 7 or an 8 in hemoglobin, he will be getting a blood transfusion. Dr. Rezaei has been wonderful about staying on top of Ty's case. She followed up with me yesterday, even though it was her day off and gave me her cell phone number for the weekend.

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