Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Greg's parents came for a visit

Greg's parents came Monday to see Ty and celebrate Makenna's ninth birthday. Ty was under the lights for a few hours of their visit until the doctor called with the exciting news that his bilirubin number was down to 11.3! He was allowed out of the lights for the rest of the day to see if they rebound for the next blood draw. We hope not. It was fun to finally hold him, love on him and get to know him after a week! He was also finally able to wear some of the clothes he is already outgrowing.

Makenna loved her birthday presents. The shocking neon nail polish was a lot of fun, especially when Greg asked if it had an "off switch"! She got an outfit she liked from Justice and her American Girl magazine subscription renewed. She asked Grandma several months ago if she could have her homemade mac n cheese and sloppy joe for her birthday dinner so Carol made that for her tonight as well....topped off with candy pizza and we were all enjoying Makenna's birthday dinner!

My parents also celebrated Makenna's birthday this past weekend since our plans to have a pool party in Ohio with her friends had to be canceled due to Ty's birth/health. She loved getting her new movie and bathing suit cover up with shopping money too!

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