Saturday, July 18, 2009

Good News!

Ty started the day with a bilirubin level of 15. He ended it at 14.6 with half the light therapy! If he maintains or drops anymore tonight, he will be heading home tomorrow!!! We are so excited. The nurses started the process to establish light therapy in our house with either home health care for labs or we will be making daily trips to the hospital for lab work. Either option is fine with us as we are making 4 to 5 round trips to the hospital now for feedings. Since he was doing so well today, the nurse helped me take him to with nursery window with his IV's so his big sisters could see him. He had his eyes opened and showed off a bit with big yawns, grins and lots of facial expressions. They loved seeing him again after a very long week. We are trying to remain cautious about anticipating discharge tomorrow but I am finding myself as restless as a kid the night before Christmas....I just can't wait to have my baby home.

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