Tuesday, May 26, 2009

32 Weeks

I saw Dr. Allen again today and had another ultrasound. At this point, the amniotic fluid level is acceptable and not considered a threat to Ty. They think I can carry full term at the current level. He is still high and I am not any further dilated than I was a week ago. I've had contractions all week while on bed rest so they have lifted the restriction with the belief that it is uncomfortable for me but causing no harm. I am free to take Greg to the surgeon tomorrow and plan on being in Ohio for his surgery next week (we hope). I am thrilled to be off the couch! I lost two pounds this week pushing water to the extreme so I have been instructed to eat! I have been craving cheesecake for several weeks now....this is an order I am thrilled to follow!

On a funny note, at dinner last night Kate informed us that she has two "other elbows". According to her interpretation, Ty will be "elbow fed"! I don't have it in me to correct her so we should be having some unusual conversations when he is here! She used to say she had three belly buttons.

The other morning, Lauren was snuggled into her Joe Jonas fleece blanket and Kate walked up to her, rubbed the edge of the blanket on her face and said "I love you Joe". Lauren laughed and said that she loves Joe and that Joe's too old for her. Kate very firmly said "Joe don't love you!" Lauren responded with a dropped jaw so Kate imitated Joe's voice and said "I don't love you Lauren, I love Kate"! I was doubled over laughing! Lauren was dumbfounded!

We finished school last Friday! It feels good to close the books for a few months. Each of the girls learned quite a bit. Makenna wrapped up her third grade year reading and spelling on a fifth grade level and working at a fourth grade level in math. Erin is pumped and ready for public school this fall. She will be taking summer school to get her physical education and Career Information courses out of the way before the school year so she'll have room for a study hall during the year. She knows she'll need the time with the heavy course load she's carrying. Lauren continues to work hard and is looking into the technology school programs offered in high school as a supplement to our home school curriculum for her high school years. Culinary Arts are her main interest but she has plenty of time to formulate a plan. Assistant Veterinary programs are not offered locally, but would be her first choice.

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