Tuesday, April 28, 2009

28 Weeks

We are officially into the final trimester....28 weeks today. I saw Cindy, the nurse practitioner at the OB office and things are looking better. The baby is in position and no longer laying transverse which was apparently effecting our measurements. (This appears to have helped my sciatic nerve issue too) His size is now right on target. He didn't like the heart monitor and kept moving away from it which raised his heart rate. According to Cindy, this means he is neurologically developed. Good to know! I have gained two pounds in two weeks....perfect and my glucose numbers are good. She wants me to continue monitoring for two more weeks to make sure there aren't any issues (not what I wanted to hear but I am willing to play along).

Kate has decided that since we aren't accepting "Bear" for the baby's name, she wants us to name him "Mr. Tom" after her favorite Sunday school teacher! It is a good thing she isn't old enough to vote! Ty David, Grant David (which would be Greg's initials), and Nolan Micah are the names on the list.....we have time to make lots of changes. It is a transitional list based on moods, opinions and who's involved in the conversation!


  1. I like them all, but Ty David still really sticks with me! I am glad that he has gotton away from your sciatic nerve!!!

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