Sunday, March 22, 2009

Kate's ready for her baby brother to arrive

I woke up to Kate snuggling next to me in the bed this morning. She said, "Mommy, I love our baby brother". Within a few seconds she added, "I think he's tired of hiding in your belly". She says it is taking too long for him to grow big and strong enough to come out.

This afternoon I took a nap (Still recovering from the flu and strep throat) and as I was waking up, she crawled up onto the bed and asked if her baby brother was moving. He is typically active when I am resting. I said no and added that I think he just enjoyed a nap with me because I didn't feel any movement. She gently poked me in the belly and said, "wake up baby brother". Within seconds, he was stretching and moving....I am in big trouble if he is taking orders from her already!

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